Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Just a Lazy Rainy Day...

If you live in the North Dallas area, you know that right now a flood is pouring forth from heaven. The baby is cozy and asleep in her crib and I am curled up on the bed with a good book and a purring kitty. Umm... not quite. Instead, I needed to get my eyes checked today before we moved, because right now I am wearing two of the same eye, just to make a pair. The appointment is right when the baby normally eats, so Eliana is going to have to feed herself. There is a threatening cloud overhead, so I won't take in the diaper bag, the less to get wet on the way out, the better. She did a good job feeding herself, except for the bottle falling between her and the car seat and leaking all over her backside. The appointment is at the Wal-Mart vision center, and I could here the rain pounding on the roof. Great! Well, I decide to walk around Wal-Mart to see if it will let up, but wait, Wal-Mart has a McDonalds. Those golden arches have never shined so bright! I get some food, rain still hasn't let up. Walk around a bit, but Eliana is wet from the bottle and has a wet diaper. And I had left the diaper bag in the car. I decide I am going to have to make a run for it. As fast as that is, with a car seat and flip flops. Getting ready to buy an umbrella when low and behold, there is one in my purse! How did that happen? You never have an umbrella in your purse! And here is the picture, Eliana's car seat in the cart. Blanket tucked around baby. Umbrella over car seat in cart. Mommy, a target for rain drops. I take off down the aisle. Wait, were is the car? Two rows over! Ahhhh! Okay, run, run, run, umbrella flying away from baby, baby getting hit in the face with rain, mommy soaked. Now, you always thought it was hard getting into a car and closing up an umbrella at the same time. Try it with a car seat. Baby in car, mommy takes cart to cart drop off next to car, good citizen mommy, mommy runs back to car, trys to get in back with baby. I am in Jason's car, so I have to work the straps. She is in. And I climb over the seat into the front to avoid anymore rain. We get home, garage is full, so I have to run her in, blanket flies away from her face and she gets hit with more rain. What an adventure!

And another thought, these are things I never thought I would do:
1. Testing peas to see if they are hot. I don't like peas and they get on my lips every time I check them.
2. Eat a burger that has had baby feet on it. Yeah, she kept sticking her toes in my burger. This on the adventure told above.
3. Run in the rain without an umbrella, instead protecting my baby with it.


The Lashers said...

That sounds like so much fun. I can't wait for those experiences.

The Fox Family said...

Oh the love of a mother... remember the days when we didn't want our hair wet... now we would use our entire body to protect our little one from a rain drop... Glad you both survived! Missing you already!

The Craftypigs said...

All of that is what makes you a great Mommy. Well done.