Friday, June 27, 2008


Four weeks, two office visits (not a nice receptionist), about 20 phone calls, 4 service visits, 2 canceled service visits, 2 modems, and a new router later, we have internet! I never knew how much I depended on it, but being at home all day, I felt it was my connection to the outside world.

Jason and I took a walk downtown to eat dinner tonight. Here are a couple of pics so you can kind of see the town we are in.

This is our house, at least for the next year. We love the neighborhood.

This is on the walk to downtown. It is such a nice environment. Everyone out and about.

This is Eliana in a pub. The burgers are really good and really cheap!


The Lashers said...

What happened to baby Eliana? She looks like she's become a toddler. Still cute as always.

The Fox Family said...

Love it! It all looks so friendly and welcoming! I love the house!

Angbrad03 said...

Great house! And looks like a great town to live in. Glad you're getting settled in!